The Proven Path to Mastering PPC
Even if you're new to Google Adwords or PPC, you may have noticed something:
It's getting harder. A lot harder.
Harder to learn. Harder to compete. Harder to generate profit.
That said, ever get the feeling that there's significant money in the Adwords game if you could just figure it out?
Hundreds of thousands of businesses have opened up Google Adwords accounts over the past few years.
They get it: The customers are there - just waiting for you...
Interestingly though, only a select few have managed to turn Google advertising into the next big thing in their business.
It could be that you're doing "OK" with Adwords, but you've noticed lately that there are some players in your niche whose ads seem to be EVERYWHERE...
How do they do it?
How can you break in and grab your share of the sales success they're enjoying?
Two Roads, Very Different Destinations...
It's generally accepted that there are two main ways to approach PPC marketing:
a: "Wing It"...and bleed money.
b:   Learn from the best, avoid common pitfalls, and get profitable fast.
Sadly, with a lack of current and reliable Adwords training and a safe place to ask specific questions, too many businesses have started with option A.
Unsurprisingly, like any good corporate citizen Google has been only too happy to oblige, extracting huge click prices and sucking advertisers' budgets dry.
Meanwhile, your competitors are running around paying only a fraction of what Google is charging *you* to advertise, and generating more net revenues from search than they ever dreamed was possible!
But what about option B?
Sure, Option B sounds nice, but where is that kind of guidance going to come from???
Maybe you've noticed this too: most of the "expert" PPC training courses out there now are either "get-rich-quick" guides or "how-to-work-from-the-beach-with-PPC" schemes?
That's all well and good, but you're trying to run a business here, not necessarily retire next month.
On the other side of the coin, reputable companies that specialize in PPC consulting and management tend to keep their actual techniques 'close to the vest' as they'd much rather you hire them to manage PPC for you (for a hefty fee of course).
With this in mind, we decided to create something very special...
The Hunt for Actionable PPC Training is Over
With our hugely successful SEObook SEO training program and private community in full swing with over thousands of paying members and millions of users for our free tools, we noticed something almost right away:
There was way more PPC discussion happening in our SEO-focused community than we ever could have anticipated...
We had a good look around for 'sales-hype-free' PPC training programs and noticed that there just weren't any.
Top top that off: The 'go-to' PPC marketing forums were almost exclusively filled complaining and were either directly monitored and/or hosted by Google Adwords' reps.
Who would possibly share new strategies and techniques with Google looking right over everyone's shoulder, potentially sharing those techniques with their big account advertisers?
We decided to take action and build a member's only training community unlike anything else out there. But first, we needed some help...
Teaming Up To Deliver the Best PPC Training On the Web
We wanted our PPC training to be the best available anywhere: in books, blogs, guides... anywhere.
To make this a reality, we teamed up with one of the best-of-the-best in PPC and Adwords marketing: Geordie Carswell

We're thrilled to announce that Geordie has authored - exclusively for PPC Training members - the top 'in-the-trenches' PPC training modules ever delivered on the web.
Here's why we hand-picked Geordie to design and author our PPC training program:
We knew we wanted someone who had direct, hands-on experience managing PPC accounts at at high volume levels, as well as on multiple platforms - not just Google Adwords.
We also wanted someone who intimately understands display advertising, conversion optimization with a deep grasp of the mechanics and strategy of online selling.
Rounding out our list of requirements was the need for someone who was actually doing high-intensity PPC across multiple niches, not just talking or blogging about it.
Geordie was our guy...
- He brings over five years of continuous, high-volume PPC field experience in all facets of paid search, consistently dominating in some of the most competitive markets in the roles of consultant, PPC manager, affiliate network CEO, AND merchant.
- He's logged over 1,500 hours one-on-one PPC coaching with top performers and beginners alike.
- Geordie was the founding CEO of the RevenueWire software affiliate network & Safecart payment processing platform, a start-up that:
- Went from zero to $51 million in PPC-driven sales in less than 18 months.
- As far back as 2005, Geordie was the author of the RevenueWire PPC training blog, one of the first dedicated tutorial blogs focused on high-volume PPC.
- After leaving RevenueWire, Geordie went on to:
- Personally manage over $4 million dollars in Adwords spend averaging an ROIs of over 50% in ultra-competitive verticals
- Implement a $1 million dollar + advertising initiative on Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, and MySpace
- Provide personalized PPC coaching and strategy to several public companies, startups, and locally-focused advertisers
Our PPC training is designed to methodically teach you, step-by-step, how to generate the maximum return on investment from Adwords and more.
Read on and let us show you why...
Step-by-Step PPC Training Built to Order
Our training program boasts over 60+ exclusive, in-depth training modules designed to easily take you from PPC novice to PPC Pro.
*Warning*: This is not just 'theoretical' PPC training!
With few exceptions, the lion's share of Adwords books and blogs only cover PPC with a high-level or academic approach.
They're long on theory, but short on practice.
What most marketers really need is specific training and real-time advice on the decisions you have to make every day as a PPC marketer.
For example, you're going to run into situations with PPC that require specific answers:
- What to expect with new Adwords accounts
- When to change bids and by how much
- How to troubleshoot Quality Score hassles
- When to end split tests
- How to scale up a small campaign for more sales
- How to handle bid wars with competitors
- When to delete keywords that aren't working
- How to tweak your landing pages for better conversion rates
- How to troubleshoot sudden campaign profitability changes
- And so many more day-to-day challenges...
The kicker is that we've broken this training out not just for Google Adwords, but a number of other top PPC platforms as well.
In 2010 and beyond, PPC marketers are going to have to know how to leverage each and every ad platform available to them, especially as Facebook and Yahoo/Bing gain more ground.
This is exactly why even the free training and assets we've made available on the PPCblog have been directly endorsed by Google and eBay:
PPCBlog published an interesting article called “The Ultimate Guide to PPC...”. Written for publishers who are new to using Search Engine Marketing, it gives a number of great insights into how to get started and be successful in competitive areas.
What it all boils down to is this: You need to know exactly what to do, not simply why.
A Peek Behind the Members' Only Curtain
Each of the training modules were custom-designed to methodically take you through the setup and execution of winning PPC campaigns, from Google Adwords to Facebook and beyond.
Here's just a sampling of the training modules exclusively available to our members:
- How to Know Which PPC Program to Use. Examine the pros and cons of each of the major PPC platforms available and pick the right one for your business.
- Keyword Research. Learn how to unearth the most profitable keywords for your campaigns, particularly the keywords your competitors haven't yet discovered.
- Google Adwords Essentials. The information you must have before starting ANY Google Adwords campaign.
- PPC Affiliate Marketing Strategies How affiliates can market with Adwords and beyond in 2010. The latest techniques for pleasing Google and still making sales.
- Google Adwords for Search. Walk-through the exact steps to properly setup of your Adwords search campaign, seeing precisely how to avoid common mistakes and get profitable fast.
- Google Content Network Marketing on Steroids. Discover how to turn your the Google Content Network into your own personal profit farm while avoiding the land mines that strike unsuspecting content advertisers.
- Microsoft Adcenter (Bing) & Yahoo Search Marketing. Learn how to export and import your Google Adwords campaigns into MSN Adcenter and Yahoo and tweak them for success. Get insider tips for dominating these under-utilized PPC networks.
- Facebook Ads. Study the nuances for success on this powerful new PPC ad platform. In-depth strategies for local businesses advertisers and more.
- MyAds by MySpace. MySpace is still a goldmine for advertisers looking for younger audiences. Find out exactly how to leverage this platform and scoop up some stealth profits!
- Expert Audio Interviews & Video. In-depth interviews with the best online marketers out there.
Join the PPCBlog Training Community Today!
Our members have access to the most up-to-date PPC training available. The PPCblog training program is constantly being expanded to help you sharpen your understanding of PPC marketing and stay ahead of your competitors.
Here's What You Get...
Over 50 In-Depth Training Modules & Growing Every Week!
Exclusive Access to Private Expert Community Support & Discussion Forum
Our Unique Monthly Newsletter that Highlights New Strategies & Opportunities
A Suite of Premium Members-Only PPC Tools
Exclusive Interviews and Training Presentations
We would like to extend an exclusive special offer to our SEObook readers of 30% Off using coupon code EF0
Still Not Convinced You Should Join?
Perhaps you've noticed that some people in the paid search space are good at personal branding and productizing the sales of information. But when you buy from them are you getting information relevant to the current AdWords market?
Our very first paid customer compared some popular options, and this is what he had to say:
" often feels like most PPC books were written a long time ago. The PPC world is much tougher today and even the "updated" books seem dated. I know that might sound weird...but it feels that way to me.
For example, on page 161 of one Adwords book, the author talks about someone getting .05 clicks for an expensive KW... really???"
He then went on to compare that against our PPC Training program:
"The content in the your training sections feels totally different from any PPC training I've received before.It acknowledges up front this is a different world of PPC and it is infinitely better at preparing you for what it takes to succeed in 2010 than anything else I've seen. No lamenting for the good old days, but prepare for the coming battle!"
Industry Pros Weigh In On Geordie's Expertise
If you haven't heard of Geordie yet, it may be because he's allergic to self promotion. Geordie's one of those PPC pros who's been grinding away behind the scenes, cranking PPC profits on nearly every platform: for years.
Have a look at what some search marketing veterans have to say about Geordie's expertise:
"I've seen the outstanding results of Geordie's PPC techniques and strategies first-hand, particularly in eeking profits out each of the different PPC platforms out there, not just Adwords.
If you're looking to sharpen your PPC skills in-house, or if you're struggling to get profitable, leverage Geordie's training and start upping your game. It's worth every penny invested."
Todd Friesen, VP of Search, Position Technologies
"Many of the startups I work with every day NEED to get a handle on PPC to reach their goals. They're usually stuck going to conferences or reading books and blogs trying to figure out how to turn a profit without driving the company into the red.
Now I simply recommend that they signup for the PPCblog PPC Training program. It's the most efficient way for businesses to train their marketing staff and get their PPC profits going."
I've worked with Geordie for a while now, and the fact that he's brain-dumped everything he's been using into one place for others to benefit from is fantastic. You absolutely must take advantage of this training!
Neil Patel, Co-Founder,, KISSMetrics
"When it comes to PPC, Geordie is top-notch. I have been working in paid marketing for a number of years and rarely do I come across someone who gets it like Geordie. Not only does he understand the complexities of each platform extremely well, he has the ability to take this information and make it understandable to the masses.
If you are looking to understand PPC from one of the industry's best scholars, look no further! I highly PPCBlog's training program to anyone looking to increase both traffic & ROI, and really grasp the potential of PPC as a marketing channel."
Joanna Lord, Director of Customer Acquisition and Engagement,